Anthurium 'Hirata'

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Anthurium 'Hirata'

from $20.00

Anthurium 'Hirata' 

Hirata Anthurium - Red Obake Anthurium

Tropical plants that prefers shade and high humidity, with good drainage. It is great for cut flowers. Plant it using cinder or bark, or attach it to a tree fern. This variety has large red flowers and is part of the "Obake" type. Anthuriums are popular in tropical flower arrangements and have been cultivated in Hawaiian backyards for many years. They come in various colors and shapes, are tough, long-lasting, easy to care for, and suitable as indoor houseplants. A pebble tray can help with humidity. They can bloom year-round. Younger "Obake" anthuriums initially lack the green color in their flowers, but as they grow, they develop a two-tone flower with green as well as flower size.

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