Aechmea fulgens v. discolor cv. ‘Vin Rose’

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Aechmea fulgens v. discolor cv. ‘Vin Rose’ (Hummell) (3).jpg
Aechmea fulgens v. discolor cv. ‘Vin Rose’ (Hummell).jpg
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Aechmea fulgens v. discolor cv. ‘Vin Rose’

from $15.00

Aechmea fulgens v. discolor cv. ‘Vin Rose’

A stunning bromeliad with dark upright foliage and showy hanging flowers with orange and purple. Best in bright light and good drainage. Usually grown in bark or cinder. Can be used in the landscape. Will tolerate a light frost with no problems, like bright light. Best use mounted up in a tree or a hanging basket.

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