Rhododendron vireya 'Saxon Glow'
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Rhododendron vireya 'Saxon Glow'
from $30.00
Rhododendron vireya 'Saxon Glow'
Dwarf Malaysian Rhododendron
A compact hybrid with dense foliage with rich orange red, uprightly held trusses. Grows less than 24" tall, likes perfect drainage. Bright light or full sun in the tropics. These are cloud forest plants. Prefers acidic conditions and clean water.
An amazing hybrid of a large, upright, selfed zoelleri-style bicolor with a small, alpine vireya resembling the stonecrop perennial and possessing a small flower of moderate redness. The child is a small, dense shrub with rich red, uprightly held trusses. Hybridized by Os Blumhardt of New Zealand. Hot Tropic X R. saxifragoides